Social Media Usage Policy
DEBAK DENİZLİ BAGALİT KALIP SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. maintains its own pages/channels on the following social media platforms. If another platform is added, the changing policy will be announced on our website: - Facebook - Instagram - The authorization to open and manageLinkedIn Pages belongs to the IT Officer. Accounts and pages opened outside of this are not related to our company. In case of detection, DEBAK A.Ş. may take legal action. Photos and videos taken during
company activities (factory-wide, production activities, events such as fairs, social activities, etc.) are shared on the pages. In addition, messages of celebration / commemoration of national and religious
holidays can be published. On social media pages, the necessary parameters and privacy settings are made by the IT Officer. Images of our employees in photos and videos can only be published if their explicit
consent has been obtained, otherwise the images of our customers, suppliers and visitors are not included unless their permission is obtained. The names of our employees are not tagged in the posts, and no personal data is shared without their consent.
Apart from this, the rules that our employees should pay attention to in the use of social media are explained below: a) If an opinion is expressed on a subject related to DEBAK A.Ş. or the sector on social networks,
it must be stated that it is your personal opinion. b) The company must protect the reputation of its colleagues and itself. Any discrediting comments will be avoided. c) No discrediting comments will be made about
customers, competitors, suppliers, public or private institutions and organizations. d) No information about DEBAK A.Ş. employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders will be shared. e) No photos of other people should be
shared and their names should not be tagged on social networks unless approval is obtained. f) Discriminatory, harassing, racist, religious or sexual, offensive and disturbing comments will not be posted. g) The Company's social media pages will not advertise any commercial
product or propagandize for any political party. h) People, offices, meetings, details of work content, places, etc. within the Company will not be tagged on social media. For example, it will not be written on Facebook: "We are in training for XXX purposes with X, Y and Z at XXX Hotel". This may create risks in terms of privacy, security and competition. i) Photographs showing other
people, products, equipment, etc. are not taken in the work areas, nor are they shared on any social media platform. j) If there is any doubt about a content to be shared, the Human Resources Officer will be consulted. k) Care should be taken when uploading any content (text, images, videos, etc.) to social media platforms. Trademarks or copyrights may be violated without realizing it. l) Employees are personally responsible for the content they share and publish on social media. m) In case written messages on social media are misunderstood, spelling rules will be followed.
n) Unauthorized persons should never present themselves as the official spokesperson of the company. o) Negative messages written by others about the company will not be written, and will be treated with common sense and kindness. p)
Be aware that what is shared on the internet cannot be completely removed, even if it is removed or deleted. Our employees can consult the IT Officer about the parameters and privacy settings on their personal social media pages.